Let's meet Peppermint!

 DIY Revitalizing Peppermint Foot Scrub 

Whether you’ve had a long day on your feet or just need a few minutes to relax and pamper yourself, our Revitalizing Foot Scrub with Peppermint essential oil and honey is the solution! This essential oil-infused foot scrub is an excellent solution for dry skin and removes dead skin cells with the help of organic sugar. What are the things that keep you on your feet? Do you love the idea of cooling Peppermint menthol or would you use a different essential oil?

• 2 Tablespoons of Organic Sugar
• 1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
• 2 Tablespoons of Honey
• 1 Teaspoon Lemon Juice 
• 3 Drops of Peppermint Essential Oil 

1. In a bowl mix 2 Tablespoons of organic sugar, 1 Tablespoon of olive oil, 2 Tablespoons of honey, 1 Tablespoon of lemon juice, and 3 drops of peppermint essential oil together. 
2. Scrub mixture onto feet
3. Wrap fee with warm damp towels and let sit for 5 minutes
4. After 5 minutes remove towel and wipe off scrub.

DIY with Peppermint

Avoid bad smells with Peppermint

 Did you know YL Peppermint is a Natural Health Product approved by Health Canada for things like sprains and pains, to help with nerves and to help calm; that it is effective for colds and coughs and also digestive discomfort?

Here's one more from me: it helps with stinky situations. Literally. If you ever find yourself in re baking hot sun with an entire herd of donkeys who have left their doo doo everywhere, you better hope you have your peppermint with you! Place the open bottle up against your nostrils and breathe deep and you'll get to avoid the unpleasant smells. Trust me on this!
Diffuser Recipes with Peppermint!

HEY, TDO MEMBERS, DID YOU KNOW: We have oils that is labelled for food flavouring? Same oil, but different label, as required by Health Canada. It's called the PLUS line. Look for the bottle with the white label, with the (+) sign.  Want to know more about these oils? Log into our members hub and check it out here!