Did you just get a brand new to you oil?
Let me share how easily you can learn to use them with confidence! 

I use and buy a lot of essential oils. Yes, I have my favourites and ones I reorder over and over.
But sometimes, I like to try a new to me oil, or get the promotional oils from my Essential Rewards order for free.

I am not intimidated by new oils and you shouldn't be either.

Here are the steps I go through from I order a new oil from Young Living:

1. When it arrives, I open and smell the bottle immediately, it's fun! I love to have my family smell it as well, and usually they try to guess what ingredients are in it. 

2. I check out The Daily Oilers FB group or website to check what the oil can be used for. I ask questions there too, and people are kind and respond with lots of ideas. I also look through my essential oil books.

3. I tell my oily friends that I got a new oil! Usually they are just as excited as I am, and they give me tips on how they like to use those oils. 

4. I make a roller out of the oil. I usually mix it with other oils and try to use it right away. Rollers make it easy!

5. I keep notes on my phone if I need to, to remind myself the different ways on how to use the oils.

HEY, TDO MEMBERS, DID YOU KNOW: We have oils that is labelled for food flavouring? Same oil, but different label, as required by Health Canada. It's called the PLUS line. Look for the bottle with the white label, with the (+) sign.  Want to know more about these oils? Log into our members hub and check it out here!