• Laurus Nobilis is also widely known as sweet bay or bay leaves. Bay leaves are used regularly in cooking, preserving food, and also for dispelling pests.

  •  There are many other bay plants that are poisonous, so make sure you're using Laurus Nobilis to be safe.

  •  In ancient Rome and Greece, the Bay Laurel leaves were used to create wreaths to crown poets, scholars, athletes, kings, war heroes and successful figures. This is where the terms "Poet Laureate" and "Baccalaureate" come from.

  • Bay Laurel includes a constituent called 1,8 cineol (eucalyptol). You can learn more about this powerful constituent here.

  • Laurus Nobilis is registered as a Natural Health Product with Health Canada. Approved claims include:
1)  to act as a nervine and calmative which enhances relaxation.
2) to help relieve joint or muscle pain associated with sprains, strains & rheumatoid arthritis.
3) to help relieve headache.
4) to reduce the symptoms of cold & cough

Extra note from me: after doing some research, I'm adding Laurel Nobilis to my facial spritz as well as to my hair spritz. Try it for 60 days and see what a difference it could make for you!

Let's diffuse with Laurus Nobilis!

HEY, TDO MEMBERS, DID YOU KNOW: We have oils that is labelled for food flavouring? Same oil, but different label, as required by Health Canada. It's called the PLUS line. Look for the bottle with the white label, with the (+) sign.  Want to know more about these oils? Log into our members hub and check it out here!