We love Young Living's Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)as it is true lavender. Lavender is a great beginner oil and a must for every home because it's so versatile - from skin care products to relaxing routines, this oil can infuse and enhance many areas of your life.

Let's meet Lavender!


• Add 1 drop in your mascara tube for long healthy lashes.

• Soak your tender tootsies in a warm soak, with 4-5 drops of Lavender.

Ensure a good hair day every day with a drop or two of Lavender mixed with Rosemary oil into your shampoo. Your healthier-looking hair will catch everyone’s eye!

• After drying your hair, rub 1-2 drops of lavender into your hair. It will feel so soft!

• Add lavender to your moisturizing cream to help soothe fine lines and wrinkles.

• Soothe minor skin irritations by adding Lavender to your daily face wash. The aromatherapy will leave you feeling fresh and fit for a perfect day!


• Mix 1-2 drops with a dab of coconut oil to soothe your skin.

• Add 3 drops to a scoop of Epsom salts for a kick-ass bath.


• Add 1 drop in your mascara tube for long healthy lashes.

• Soak your tender tootsies in a warm soak, with 4-5 drops of Lavender.

• Place a few drops on a tissue, tuck inside pillowcase, and let this floral friend ease your tension. 
• Diffuse 3 drops before bedtime for a restful sleep.

DIY with Lavender
Lavender Facial Steam

Lavender Bath Salts

Lavender Sachets
Hair Detangler Base

Diffuser Recipes with Lavender

HEY, TDO MEMBERS, DID YOU KNOW: We have oils that is labelled for food flavouring? Same oil, but different label, as required by Health Canada. It's called the PLUS line. Look for the bottle with the white label, with the (+) sign.  Want to know more about these oils? Log into our members hub and check it out here!